Sunday, December 26, 2010

MAJOR AP: Christmas Edition

We've been pretty lazy with this site, I know.

I've been riding less often since I've been using an unwieldy loaner bike as of late (and busting my ass doing p90x).

However, I recently purchased this fuckworthy fixie frameset along with wheels, a headset, and most of the other components I need:

With the help of my more bike literate friends, I hope to have this in commission by the end of the week. And I hope to start riding way more.

When I was riding up Peachtree earlier tonight, I couldn't help but notice the overzealous holiday decorating that took place in Downtown and Midtown. And I loved it. So like a nostalgic suburban dad, I returned to the scene with my camera, eager to capture whatever this weird mid- to late-December spectacle is. For some people it's an lengthy shopping spree, for some it's a religious holiday of serious spiritual import, for some an awkward half-month [this year] following Channukah, for some (most) a tedious exercise in feigning familial cohesion. Whatever the shit it is, I like the lights, and the music makes me smile:

This is only blurry on account of a cop giving me shit. Seriously, dude? Two sizes too small...

And I leave you with this:

- Johnny

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Future of Major AP

Hey everyone,
This is James and it has been way too long since we updated. We have excuses like bike thefts, injuries, school, food binging, weather, and crazy fucked up diets and workout programs ( I promise there has been some discussion about what we could be doing with this site and Major AP. Major AP along with the bike rides and urban exploring will also be taking apart in two new endeavors. One of which is we will be releasing a compilation CD titled “That's What I Call Pizza”. The album will focus on Atlanta's best in the DIY scene. Expect it out sometime in January. We also have decided we are going to start tabling at shows. This is still in the very early stages. We are aiming to bring Vegan baked goods, Zines, and other things that Major AP believes in. We will probably update the blog with what shows we will be at.
Thanks for all the support!